Tuesday, June 28, 2011

a vivid dream

I just woke from a vivid dream.

In this dream, i was visiting someone that was supposed to be dying. He was on his death bed, and i went to visit him for the last time. Everyone was expecting him to die, but he didnt! the Dr's gave him a certain amount of time to live, but he lived well beyond this time. I had the feeling that some people felt that he was being a burden by not dying. we then went to a banquet dinner with this person. everyone was still somewhat expecting him to die. all of a sudden, i felt like the Lord wanted me to go to him, and share about the life of Jesus with this person. I felt that he needed to hear about heaven and eternal life. he needed to hear that Jesus loved him, and that he would have eternal life with him. This person got up from the banquet table to go outside, and as he did, i followed him out the door. i stopped him outside of the restaurant to ask him if he knew about Jesus. I told him that i felt that the Lord was telling me to tell him about Jesus, about heaven, and about eternal life. This friend wasnt sure. He'd never been to church, never heard of Jesus, thought that he was a bad person, etc. He had a lot of questions/regrets about his life. As he reflected upon his life, he asked me why God made him single this entire time. i told him that i didnt know, but that God loved him, and that in heaven, he would feel no pain, no sadness, and that he would be with God forever.

then i woke up

im not sure what this dream means, or who this person that i had shared the gospel with.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pray for japan.

Nolan is such a caring boy. We told him about the quake in Japan and how many people were hurt (doi doi ).  He always asks us "why?" In a caring tone. We try to tell him that we don't know and that we must pray for them.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The joys of coming home

I came home from work today and was greeted with an excited nolan screaming "daddy! Daddy!" He then ran up to me with this funny jig/dance and a big smile on his face, and gave me the biggest hug that he could muster.  Thats one of the reasons I love coming home from work.